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Character Tokens

Character sheets are the best way to organize the protagonists of your adventures. With this article, you will be able to manage much better the characteristics of your characters, both physical, psychological and even their sociology.

Physical description

Basic ($ 1.5)

Advanced ($ 2.5)

Psychological description

Basic ($ 2)

Advanced ($ 3)


Short ($ 1)

Medium ($ 2)

Long ($ 3)


$ 0.25 for each character mentioned


Real ($ 0.5 for each artifact)

Dummy ($ 1 per artifact)

To be able to order a Novel Project, send us an email with the following format:

  • Affair -  "Custom Character Sheet"

  • Body

How many do you need ?

What would be included in them?

  • Attached files -  Pictures of the characters (optional).

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