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Long stories

Long stories are stories whose plot is developed in two or more chapters, also divided into scenes. If the adventure you have in mind is too extensive for a One-Shot, you have chosen the perfect product.


Base includes one main character ($ 3.5xcap)


Main character ($ 3)

Secondary character ($ 1.5)

Tertiary character ($ 0.5)

Short scene ($ 1)

Medium scene ($ 2)

Long Scene ($ 3)

Adaptation ($ 2.5)

To be able to order a long story, send us an email in the following format:

  • Affair -  "Long story commission"

  • Body

A detailed summary of the plot in which the events that happen and the characters that appear in it are narrated.

List of plugins you want to add.

Detailed description of characters, settings, important events, etc.

The number of chapters in  that the story will unfold.


  • Attached files -  Images of the characters or settings that appear in the story (optional).

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